Fidget Spinners The Latest Must-Have Toy: What They Are and Where To Get One.
Fidget spinners are all the rage at the moment with schoolkids but what exactly are they and what can you do with them.
Celebrate the Queen’s Birthday. Here Are 5 Royal-Themed Gifts Available in the UK This Summer.
Her Majesty the Queen reaches the magnificent age of 91 this Summer. We at myUKmailbox love to celebrate Royal occasions and with this year also being the Sapphire Jubilee, 65 years since the Queen’s coronation, this is the time to order your perfect Royal Gift and let us ship to you, Quickly, Safely and Securely.
Volume Weight: What Is It, and How Does It Affect Shipping Costs?
Volumetric Weight which is also known as Dimensional Weight, in simple terms means the way that couriers calculate how much a package weighs for shipping internationally. This is determined by its size as much as its physical weight.
This is because some airlines charge for shipping based on the amount of space a package will take up on an aircraft.