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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

MyUKMailbox.com offers a large number of services with various solutions for every type of customer. We cater for everyone all over the world. This is a showcase of the services we have on offer. Click on them for more information.


Can you make in-store purchases for a BuyForMe order?

We are able to collect goods in store within a 5 mile radius from our facility. There is an additional £20.00 handling fee for in-store visits.

Can I cancel my BuyForMe order?

BuyForMe requests can be cancelled prior to our team placing the order with the supplier. If the order has been placed the BuyForMe request can not be cancelled. Once the goods arrive at our facility, you can request for the goods to be returned to the supplier by contacting our support team.

How do I place a BuyForMe order?

You can submit a BuyForMe order by navigating to the BuyForMe page and completing the order form. Our BuyForMe team will respond to your request within 24 hours, Monday - Friday.

What is the BuyForMe service?

BuyForMe is a personal shopping service whereby our team can purchase goods on your behalf from any UK retail outlet. This service is ideal for when UK stores will not accept international credit cards.

What are the charges for using the BuyForMe service?

We charge a rate of 10% (8% for Premium members) of the total BuyForMe order cost. Our BuyForMe service is subject to a minimum fee of £15.00

Do I need to be a member to use the BuyForMe service?

No, our BuyForMe service is available to all customers, you do not need to be a MyUKMailbox monthly paying member to use this.

I have completed the BuyForMe request, what happens next?

Once you have completed your request a member of our team will contact you within 24 hours to finalise the order.

What happens once my BuyForMe purchase arrives at your facility?

Once your goods arrive at our facility you shall be notified via email and will be able to pay the shipping fee to dispatch the goods.

Do I receive any free storage for my BuyForMe order?

All BuyForMe orders are supplied with a minimum of 20 days free storage, after which daily fees of £1.00 per package is applied.

How do I calculate the shipping costs for my BuyForMe?

For non-members the shipping rates for our Starter plan shall apply. Members of our service will still receive the discounted rates for their selected plan. Please use our rate calculator on pricing page for estimating shipping costs