Celebrate the Queen’s Birthday. Here Are 5 Royal-Themed Gifts Available in the UK This Summer.
Her Majesty the Queen reaches the magnificent age of 91 this Summer. We at myUKmailbox love to celebrate Royal occasions and with this year also being the Sapphire Jubilee, 65 years since the Queen’s coronation, this is the time to order your perfect Royal Gift and let us ship to you, Quickly, Safely and Securely.
Volume Weight: What Is It, and How Does It Affect Shipping Costs?
Volumetric Weight which is also known as Dimensional Weight, in simple terms means the way that couriers calculate how much a package weighs for shipping internationally. This is determined by its size as much as its physical weight.
This is because some airlines charge for shipping based on the amount of space a package will take up on an aircraft.
Top 10 Ideas For Your Summer Barbeque Party
start by looking at a range of barbecue units, and then have a peek at some other ideas to make your party go with a fizz this Summer in 2017
6 Things To Do For The 2017 Spring Holiday Season
Its that time of year again! There is much to prepare for and get excited about. We love the anticipation of Spring and all that goes with it, then slowly turning into Summer.
Eating out in your garden, planting your blooms and shrubs, enjoying the lovely weather and long days, then preparing for your holidays.
10 Most Hilarious April Fools’ Gags Ever Played in History
The concept of playing pranks a jokes on your friends on the first of April is a global phenomenon. In France it is called Poisson d’Avril or April Fish, Iran knows it as Sydah Bedar, and even Scotland and Ireland have something called Hunt The Gowk. Here are some of the funniest and most clever pranks that have ever been.
10 Really Cool Gifts For Your Mum On Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day gives you the opportunity to show your appreciation and love for mum and all that she has done for you. Here are 10 Really Cool Gifts For Your Mum On Mother’s Day.
How To Ship UK Products To India
Third-party shippers allow international buyers to use their warehouse address as a UK shipping destination. Once the products ordered by international customers arrive there, the third-party shipper repacks the items and forwards them to the buyer’s home address abroad
6 reasons to choose the MyUKmailbox Repack Service
If you’re facing trouble and expensive issues with shipping, repackaging may help alleviate some of the cost and the stress. Why repackage your goods? There are so many benefits, a better question might be – why not?
Top 20 Best Gifts for Kids in the UK
We have compiled a list of the 20 best gifts for kids in the UK for any occasion this year – plus helpful links where you can find them!
Top 15 Valentine Day Gift Ideas in the UK
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and that means it’s time to start thinking of the perfect gift for that special person in your life.
Here’s a list of the Top 15 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas in the UK.