What is Shopping Concierge – How Does it Work?
A personal shopper.
Someone with time to find the best deals. The greatest bargains. The difficult-to-find items.
While a personal shopper seems like a luxury for most shoppers, the reality is that there are many opportunities to hand off some of the chores of purchasing to others.
A shopping concierge provides a valuable service for those who are looking to find specific items that can be difficult to locate or simply time-consuming to track down.
You can enjoy the benefits of a shopping concierge in new countries when you’re trying to navigate the foreign marketplace. Or in your own town when you’re trying to make all your duties and responsibilities fit into a given day. You can shop remotely, overseas, or in the more difficult parts of your day (or night).
The value of assistance is tremendous in all parts of our lives – why would shopping be any different?
If you’re going to be working with a personal shopping concierge, you are in for a treat. The convenience of shopping and delivery, all done from your home or office, makes it easy to stay on top of the jobs that need doing – even if they are across the globe. Fortunately, our Buy for Me shopping concierge service is proven and reliable for just this occasion.
What is a shopping concierge?
A shopping concierge is a service that works on your behalf to purchase items. A shopping concierge can be used to make the shopping process simpler or timelier or it might be used when you encounter issues with international purchasing.
For example, if you would like to buy an item from an online shop in one country, but you live in a different one, you might be able to make the purchase online easily enough but have to pay very steep international shipping rates. Or you might not be able to make the purchase at all if the online shop doesn’t allow international payment methods.
An online shopping concierge makes it possible to complete the purchase and in many cases streamline the shipping for far less as well.
How does a shopping concierge work?
A shopping concierge works like a personal shopper. In short, you tell the concierge what you want to buy. The concierge arranges the purchase. The item is sent to you after payment is handled.
For most online purchases like might resemble an email or a form you would complete and send to a shopping concierge. The concierge contacts you about your request in a timely manner and arranges to purchase the item on your behalf. Then the item is shipped to you according to the terms you’ve agreed to.
Often the item is shipped first to the locally situated concierge before it shipped on to you. For many customers, this allows for a greater spread of shopping options. You might arrange for the concierge to buy multiple items from multiple locations – online or off – and then bundle them together and ship them to in a single package to reduce international shipping costs.
How much does it cost to use a shopping concierge?
The price for a concierge service will vary depending on the frequency of your purchases, the size of the purchases and the specific services you are requesting. Large items will be more expensive, of course, to handle than smaller ones that are easily shipped.
Shopping concierge companies offer single use rates, monthly rates and even discounts for more frequent users of buying and shipping services. For the total cost you would need to consider the cost of the item itself, the shipping costs, and the fee that the concierge would charge to handle the purchase and shipping.
What are the benefits from a shopping concierge?
A company that offers international shopping concierge services has many benefits over an individual personal shopper. Working with a company that specializes in online purchases, storage and shipping will include benefits like:
- Multiple means of contact
- Frequent communication about the purchase
- Ability to request multiple items for a single shipment
- Free storage at our warehouse facility
- Images of the items after they are purchased and received.
- Tracking of purchases
- Rates for ongoing or frequent purchases as well as one-time rates
How do I get started with a shopping concierge?
A company that offers shopping concierge services may include other features that you can utilize for ongoing purchases as well. For example, MyUKMailbox offers customers a shopping concierge service. In the course of the concierge purchase, the customer will have a new UK mailing address set-up. The customer can continue to use that mailing address through the company’s shipping services for purchases other than the initial concierge item.
Using the services of a concierge is as simple as finding a company you trust, establishing contact through the company’s preferred means of communication and then sending over the details of the item you’d like to arrange to purchase.
If you work with a well-established and reputable company, you can expect to make your purchase in twenty-four hours or less after your initial contact. That item will then be shipped to the concierge and on to you according to your preferences.
Our time is limited. That makes it valuable. While for many shopping can be relaxing or even therapeutic, for others, the thought of spending hours sorting through websites or storefronts to find the best deal on certain items is exhausting. Taking advantage of the skills and flexibility of professionals brings a new energy and freedom to shopping. What would you do with hours back in your day?
If you’re wondering just how far we’ll go to help you make a purchase, we have the information available for you here in our frequently asked questions about the Buy for Me service. We are willing and able to travel in order to get what you need, when you need it.